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Board of Directors

Information on District Board Members & others

DMFPD has a five member Board of Directors.  

Board Member Responsibilities

Considering becoming a board member?  We are offering reading materials regarding our rules and regulations, by-laws and pre-attending meetings to become familiar with our procedures.  You would also be assigned to a current board member to be able to converse and ask questions.

Eligibility qualifications:
  1. Registered voter in the State of Colorado
  2. Resides within the district 


          Owner of taxable property within DMFPD boundaries

Postion descriptions:
Chairman - DRAFTVice Chairman - DRAFTTreasurerAssistant Treasurer - DRAFTCommunication & Construction - DRAFT


Non-Voting Employees of the District hired by the Board

  -  Fire Chief

  -  Recording Secretary